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Our school staff donate blood to express love


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There is true love in the world. Give your blood to sow love.1month21Sunday afternoon,On the first floor of the library,Ten teachers and employees of our school gloriously donated blood。

Two p.m. that day,The mobile blood collection vehicle of the Wuhan Blood Center Blood Station came to our school,Li Aihonghe from the Logistics Catering CenterSun GangqiangFirst roll up your sleeves and donate blood.meSchool Communist Party10Teachers and staff donated blood and love for free,Being very brave during blood donation。Teachers Liu Kang and He Jun dedicated one time400ccDonate blood,Teacher Liu Kang and Teacher He Jun donated blood many times,According to his own introduction,Teacher Liu Kang donated blood in total3000cc, Mr. He Jun has three or four voluntary blood donation certificates.

According to the person in charge of the blood station, the annual medical blood consumption nationwide is nearly800tons, this number is returned every year7%-10%’s speed increases. Approximately required per year15010,000 blood donations,In order to meet the clinical blood demand。The total blood volume of a normal adult’s body accounts for approximately 1% of the total body weight8%around, that is, accessible40005000Milliliters of blood. Press each blood donation200Calculated in milliliters, the amount of bleeding only accounts for1/20left and right,And the lost blood volume can be quickly replenished from interstitial fluid and drinking water,Blood cells can be replenished to the original level within a month through regeneration。And the stimulation of blood donation will increase the number of blood cells than before。Therefore,Every blood donation200ml, interval6Donate blood once a month,This scientific blood donation behavior will not harm your health。At the same time,Donating blood can also reduce blood viscosity,Promote blood cells、Bone marrow metabolism,Reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases。The person in charge also said,The teachers in our school are very enthusiastic about donating blood,They hope we will continue to carry forward this selfless spirit。

The voluntary blood donation activity of our school teachers advocates a spirit of care and dedication,make“Free blood donation,Dedicate love” “Free blood donation,Wu Shang Glorious”’s thoughts are deeply rooted in people’s hearts。This blood donation activity not only taught us about blood donation,And fully realize that voluntary blood donation is a noble obligation。

This event is organized by the school、School Trade Union、The teaching and labor union branch jointly issued an initiative,Get the current teaching office on campus、Support from dafabet best online casinologistics and other departments,Dr. Chen from the medical office was always at the blood donation site,Make sugar water for blood donors,Doing service。

The school expressed condolences to the teachers and employees who donated blood.


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1month21Daily free blood donation honor list


First grade: Liu Kang, Ou Qian

Grade 3: Duan Binjiang, Liu Bo, He Jun

Administration: Zhao Ming, Deng Qingping, Song Tao

Logistics: Li Aiguo, Sun Gangqiang

2008 /


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