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Ma Lan


Science and Education Department



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2023Year11month24Sunday afternoon,The "Curriculum Education·Doctoral Forum" (the 14th issue) of the No. 1 High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University started as scheduled in the Lecture Hall No. 1 of the Art Center of our school。School invites first graders16Class,17Class,18Class,19Class,20Class,21Class,22Classmates came to the scene to listen,Some teachers and head teachers attended the lecture,This "Doctoral Forum" is hosted by Teacher Ma Lan from the Department of Science and Education。

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Dr. Rui Liming, the speaker of "Curriculum Education·Doctoral Forum" (14th Issue),Currently serving as a sophomore physics teacher in the First High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University,Received PhD degree from the Department of Physics, Tsinghua University,Visited University of California, Berkeley,During his PhD studies, he was mainly engaged in the detection of transient objects in the universe、Follow-up spectroscopic and photometric observations,Research on the observation diversity and explosion mechanism of type II supernovae。

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In the warm applause of the first-year students of dafabet online sports betting app2023,The keynote speaker of "Doctoral Forum" (14th issue) - Dr. Rui Liming, who graduated from Tsinghua University, came to the podium with a smile on his face,With the theme of “Supernova—a cosmic ‘fireworks’”,Lead students to be chasers of "fireworks"。

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Supernova is a catastrophic explosion phenomenon that occurs when a specific type of star reaches an advanced stage of evolution,Cross-related to many fields of astrophysics。Supernovae are also an important research topic in the current field of time domain astronomy。First,The detection and statistical study of supernovae are important ways and means to study the evolution of late stars。Secondly,Supernova because of its high brightness and similar peak luminosity,Referred to as the "standard candle" for cosmological ranging,Thus discovered the accelerated expansion of the universe。In addition,Supernova in the evolution of chemical elements in the universe、Galaxy Evolution、Gravitational wave electromagnetic counterpart、It has important applications in research fields such as neutrino radiation source detection and high-energy cosmic ray acceleration mechanism。

This issue of "Doctoral Forum",Dr. Rui Liming is problem-oriented,About what is a supernova?How to observe supernovae?What are the observational characteristics of supernovae?Why should we study supernovae?Expand in several aspects。

The beginning of the lecture,Dr. Rui Liming started to explain the laws of stellar evolution,Systematic introduction to the life of stellar evolution,Focus on the violent explosion phenomenon in the late stage of stellar evolution-supernova。Then,Introducing how to discover supernovae during sky surveys during scientific research,Conduct spectroscopic and photometric observations after supernova discovery,Obtain usable scientific data for scientific research。Continue,Introduces the observational characteristics of supernovae from the perspectives of their light curve and spectral evolution,And the supernova explosion mechanism reflected behind these observational characteristics。final,Evolution of chemical elements in the universe from supernovae、Introducing the significance of studying supernovae to scientific development in terms of cosmological ranging and circumstellar environment in the late stages of stellar evolution。

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Supernova is a research direction that is not well known to the public,Not as well-known as black holes in the field of popular science,Dr. Rui understands students’ knowledge about supernovae in advance,Then the content of this doctoral forum was arranged according to the students’ understanding。Dr. Rui also consulted dafabet best online casinoa lot of information,Strive to explain scientific research directions that students are unfamiliar with vividly,When introducing the evolution process of stars, we talked about Proxima Centauri in "The Wandering Earth",When introducing white dwarf stars, we talked about Sirius in "Harry Potter" (there is a white dwarf star in the Sirius binary star system),Help students establish connections between scientific knowledge and life cognition。final,In order to let students directly experience the connotation of scientific research,Using Tsinghua’s TMTs sky survey project as the main body to introduce the process of astronomy research projects and the work content of some scientists,Introducing scientific content related to supernovae,Directly explains the research results in published academic papers,Let students understand the most cutting-edge new knowledge in scientific research for the first time。


The first-year students listened very attentively at the "Doctoral Forum",Dr. Rui’s “Doctoral Forum” enhanced students’ interest in astronomy,Broadened their horizons and ideas。At the same time,Students passed Dr. Rui’s introduction,Mastered certain astronomical knowledge,This will help them understand nature and society correctly in the future,Establishing a scientific outlook on life and world view will play an important leading role

Because astronomy is inseparable from other disciplines,Studying astronomy requires profound mathematics、Physics、Foreign language as a basis,Dr. Rui’s lecture greatly stimulated students’ motivation and interest in studying other courses。Many students after the end of this "Doctoral Forum",Still around Dr. Rui,Keep asking questions,Dr. Rui patiently answered questions。


Attachment: Students’ feedback

Grade 1, Class 17 Sun Zhangyi:

Starry Sky,It is a place where many people place their emotions。There are many ancient people,There are "stars hanging down and plain fields",Moon Chanting Great River Flow。"These verses support it。In ancient China,There is data recording supernova explosions,At that time, people called this phenomenon "guest star"。Until 1990. Only then did it get its now well-known name: supernova,( supernovae )。

How many years,Countless astronomers devote themselves to the study of the universe,Supernova explosion discovered,Nebula,Some links in the "life" of stars such as white dwarfs,And deduced their "life" step by step。

But to the universe,There are countless stars,There are endless unknowns that need to be further explored by humans。Then why study such things?The main reason is that studying it can let people understand dafabet online sports betting app"where we come from?”“Where to go?”

The universe initially had only H、He and other light elements,It is the formation of white dwarf stars、Explosion、Reformation,That’s how Fe became today、Co and many other elements,Study the stars of today,You can speculate on the development history of the universe。

Also supernovae are the standard candles of the universe,It gives us clarity,How far are we from it。

There are many more meanings to the above,It also awaits the efforts of astronomers。

Grade 1, Class 17 Chen Qifeng:

In the vast starry sky,The huge aura in the dust that can always be found。The energy produced by a supernova explosion,Axis through space and time,Break through the barrier of cosmic dust,Presented in the form of various waves in front of the astronomical telescope。

By simple hydrogen、Nitrogen、Several element combinations of silicon,But it can produce rays that span galaxies,Can become the most domineering existence in the universe - black holes and neutron stars,And it’s hard to imagine,What we observed,It’s just the back of hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago?If there is a time travel function,This boundless universe is a ladder for countless people to explore。Don’t be fooled by that moment of brilliance,We only live in the present,To explore the shining moment,There is still a long way to go。

Class 17, Grade 1 Zhang Xu:

What is the origin of the universe?When the picture of the Beta Centauri Nebula appeared in front of my eyes,When this large group of natural miracles that gathers the beauty of mathematics and physics is condensed at this point,The meaning emerges。And this simple question of origin also immediately dissipated something。

Nihilism was once popular in philosophy,Nowadays it is mostly regarded as a shame。Indeed,If people look at the world from the perspective of nothingness,The meaning is diluted。People can be satisfied with life,This is a good thing,But humans can’t,The earth is the origin of everything,is a base for expansion,And those who doubt these things,I think they may just lack an opportunity to see this miracle。Do we really need specific meaning?Of course not,Because people are born believers,Belief is the only reason。When I marvel at the complexity of elemental chains and fusion reactions,I can seem to see my predecessor lying on the workbench sweating profusely,Their work may not have been recognized,But what I want to say is: never looking back is the most beautiful virtue of human beings。

What is life in the universe??I once imagined how big the universe is,And its loneliness and coldness are truly scary,Its infinity makes people think: Can human beings dafabet online sports betting appwith limited resources trace its origin?But then I sighed again at the wonder of life,If things move from order to disorder,There is a mysterious force that creates laws from chaos,That’s you and me。Of course,If you believe that life is more disordered than before you were alive,That’s interesting enough。So,You want to ask what is the meaning of studying celestial bodies,I want to say,Everything is actually a kind of wonderful gravity。It is under this gravity that you and I exist,Of course,Including our imagination。


2023 /


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