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Food is the first priority for the people,But is the food we eat every day really healthy for our body?President Xi Jinping emphasized in the report of the 19th National Congress,Socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era,The main contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development。When we no longer worry about food dafabet online sports betting appand clothing,Social material life is already rich enough,Health has become one of the major needs in the pursuit of a better life,What kind of food is safe for humans and the earth?In this Optics Valley course we have invited a professor from the College of Life Science and Technology of Huazhong Agricultural University、PhD supervisor Zhang Qifa。Vice President Xu Hui presided over and introduced the resume of Academician Zhang Qifa。Professor Zhang Qifa is a crop genetics and breeding and plant molecular biologist,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences、Academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences、Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences。17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China、Delegates to the 18th National Congress,China Association for Science and Technology Sixth、Vice Chairman of the Seventh National Committee。Director of the Science and Education Department Dong Fangkui and Director of the Party Office Xiong Yonghua received Academician Zhang Qifa and had a warm conversation。




Academician Zhang Qifa mainly talks about his main research content from the following aspects: the concept of food security;From green super rice to green agriculture;New model of rice farming/breeding: two water and two greens;The Way of Rice in the New Era。What is food security?The world’s population may grow to 10 billion in 2050,If the total food demand cannot meet the population demand,On the one hand, it will cause food shortages in some underdeveloped areas and countries,On the other hand, it will inevitably lead to great politics、Economic instability,For underdeveloped areas,It is very important to solve the problem of food and clothing,For countries and regions that have solved the problem of food and clothing,Health becomes the main focus。Academic research results published by The Lancet show that China ranks first in the world in cardiovascular disease and tumor deaths caused by diet,We Chinese are experiencing serious health problems caused by too much material。Research dafabet best online betting websiteshows that high-sugar, easily digestible white rice and white flour cause various health problems,The sugars brought by fast-digesting high-carbohydrate diets can cause "insulin resistance" in the human body,"Insulin resistance" is the root cause of many sub-health and major diseases。

The whole grain diet is relatively safe and healthy。Dietary whole grains refer to those that have not been finely processed,Contains the endosperm of a complete grain、Embryo、Aleurone layer、Peel、Cereal (rice) with all components including seed coat、Mai、Millet, etc.)。Relatively low energy,Rich in nutrients,Rich in dietary fiber,Contains more protein、Fat、VB、VE vitamins、calcium、Iron、Zinc and other minerals,Rich in flavonoids、Polyphenols and other secondary metabolites,Reduces blood sugar/blood lipids、Promote intestinal motility、Improving antioxidant capacity and other multiple health effects。Lancet(Lancet) Reference recipes recommended by the magazine for global health (foods that are healthy for humans and the planet): Whole grains、Vegetables、Fruit、Beans、Nuts、High unsaturated fatty acid oil,Appropriate amount of fish and poultry;No (or very little) red meat、Processed meat、Added sugar、Refined grains and starchy vegetables。




In addition to human safety needs,The sustainable development of earth resources and environment also needs to be paid enough attention,Growing food without regard to the global environment,It is also a kind of resource deprivation,Providing abundant food that is healthy for humans and the planet has become a major mission for scientists。Starting in the 1960s,In crops such as wheat and rice,Due to dwarf fertilizer-tolerant varieties (and hybrid rice、Cultivation and promotion of hybrid corn),Rapid increase in the use of pesticides and fertilizers,Increased world food production by more than 20%,Effectively increasing the global food supply。This process is internationally known as the "Green Revolution"dafabet sports betting website。Representative figures of the “Green Revolution”,Dr. Norman Borlaug (1914-2009), wheat breeder at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico,Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970。Known as the “Father of the Green Revolution”。Although scientists invented pesticides and fertilizers,Alleviates the problem of food demand,But for a long time,my country accounts for ~8% of the world’s cultivated land area,Feeds 20%-22% of the population,Applied>35% pesticides and fertilizers,High cost of farming,Heavy environmental pollution,Resources are unsustainable,Food safety is difficult to guarantee,These problems have become a huge and heavy burden on the health of the earth。1999,Chinese agricultural scientist Li Zhensheng、Zhang Qifa、Jia Jizeng and others proposed the second green revolution: less input less input;more production;protect the environment better environment。They proposed the concept of “green super rice” selection: Less pesticides;Less fertilizers;Water saving and drought resistance (Water saving and drought resistance);High yield and superior quality。Large-scale demonstration and promotion of green super rice varieties。Green super rice goes towards the Belt and Road Initiative,Demonstration and promotion in 15 countries in Africa and Southeast Asia 6.12 million hectares。Academician Zhang Qifa and others proposed a fitness resource-saving model、Environmentally friendly agricultural production system,What is two-type agriculture?2016,A new model of rice farming emerges in Hubei,Jiang Xia、rice、Ducks are raised together,One field, two industries、One water, two uses,Green Rice,Green aquatic products,Water quality clean,Daoli shrimp,Xialidao,True realization of resource saving、Environmentally friendly、Ecological balance。




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