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        December 20, 2016 is the campus open day of our school’s first teaching festival,Parents of the sophomore aviation class enter the campus,Entering the classroom,Experienced an unforgettable day。在“My son and I are in the same class”Under the essay collection activity,Parents actively participated,Actively express your feelings。


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                                                                                          Hu Qi Boren’s mother                            

        I have had the desire to return to school countless times,But desire is desire,Days return to days,Wishes never come true,The recent campus open day event of China Normal University No.1 made me return to my student days,After a student addiction。

        Mr. Yuan, the aviation class physics teacher, is a teacher with rich teaching experience、A thoughtful elder,It’s a pity that I couldn’t hear his physics class because I was a few minutes late,Very sorry。I was the physics class representative in junior high school,Class breaks,I often have to walk through the long corridor of the teaching building,Go to the physics teacher’s office,Help the teacher move small teaching instruments to the classroom。Amidst the chatter of classmates in the corridor,Under the slightly curious eyes of the students,As I trotted with my head down all the way, I felt a little arrogant in my heart!

        Chemistry teacher Zhou Bin is the children’s class teacher,A person with strong willpower,Slightly cunning and high IQ“Big brother who takes the lead”,The children love him and“Hate”,Especially when their conspiracy was discovered and failed,The expression of unwillingness and hatred makes people laugh。Chemistry class,The children’s fear of Teacher Zhou made them a little nervous,Looking serious and focused,Classroom discipline is bad!I think hard during the lecture,But I still don’t understand it,Recalling the chemistry teacher in junior high school,Kind and fair,Gentle words,But the occasionally explosive chemical experiments he tinkered with always made us frightened and curious。Every time the chemistry teacher in memory was in class,They all wear a pair of sleeves,Little floral flowers on the sleeves,Clean and elegant,I think my wife must be a gentle and virtuous woman。

        The third class is English,The classroom teacher, Mr. Luo, is a senior handsome guy with natural curly hair,His class style is relaxed and comfortable,The expression is sometimes deep,A burning gaze,sometimes humorous,Humorous,Children’s spoken pronunciation is pure British style,Answer questions proactively。Among my English teachers, the one who impressed me the most was the teacher in my senior year of high school。It happened to be "" before the college entrance examination that year;June 4th”Student Unrest,And it is getting worse,As senior high school students, we,worried。The young English teacher has always been concerned about the country and the people,An emotional attack on the current situation,cadence,The English morning reading class is the highlight of his speech。Reading early one morning,The English teacher is uncharacteristically,Speechless,We all speculated that he was worried“Student Unrest”The fate of sports,Later I learned that the reason for the teacher’s silence was that a heavy rainstorm had damaged his simple kitchen,So frustrating for him,Unintentional speech...I feel very happy every time I think of this lovely teacher。

        The fourth math class was exciting,Teacher Xu is worthy of being the gold medal teacher of China Normal University No. 1,The class style is compact and interesting,Relaxing and happy,Teach boring mathematics homework in a fully interactive and interactive way,The children came on stage to calculate and reason,There is right and wrong,Obvious effect。Talk about the wonderful things,Teacher Xu’s red cheeks,Always makes me feel like he is like the kids’ big dafabet online casino gamesbrother next door,Excellent in both character and learning,Approachable。In this open mathematics class,What Teacher Xu said to the children impressed me deeply: “Learning mathematics well is to exercise your logical thinking ability,Cultivate your careful and rigorous study habits and living habits。Practice is an essential quality for pilots,A small, seemingly insignificant mistake may lead to huge losses,So learn mathematics well,Meticulousness and meticulousness are crucial。”

        The last class in the morning is biology。Biology is really a magical subject,The children laughed happily from time to time in class。Teacher Wei combined the application of genetic technology in criminal investigation to let the children appreciate the magic of biological science,Stimulated children's strong interest in learning biological subjects。


        This is the campus open day event of China Normal University No.1,Let me experience the intense and orderly study life of children in the aviation class,Experienced the dedication of the school and teachers to the children、Teaching step by step、Eager expectations。The smiling faces of children as bright as the sun,Strong posture、The hearty laughter encourages me。Believe in our children,Once so happy、Honest、Yingwu’s boy,In the big family of China Normal University No. 1 Youth Aviation School,Will thrive healthily and happily,Become Integrity、loyalty、Be brave enough to take responsibility、A man determined to fly!



                                                                                 That day, I was your classmate

                                                                                            Yang Xianzu’s mother

  Morning of December 19, 2016,Just finished the meeting in Beijing,I booked a high-speed rail ticket for the return trip to Yichang on the same day,Beijing has received a yellow alert for recent smog,I really don’t want to stay for one more minute,At this moment,Received notice from the Family Committee,The First Affiliated Middle School of Central China Normal University is open to the whole society on December 20th,The head teacher invites parents to come to school to listen to classes。How could you miss such a good opportunity?As a parent, you have the opportunity to enter the classroom of China Normal University No. 1 and listen to the class,Enjoy the high-quality teaching of the No. 1 Middle School of China Normal University,Feel the charisma of teachers up close,This is what many people dream of,The important thing is that we still enjoy it with our children。

 No hesitation,Change directly,Traveling in both haze and rain,Around ten o’clock at night,Come to Wuhan,Stay in a hotel near China Normal University No. 1,Waiting for the first class tomorrow morning。December 20,7:45 AM,Enter the campus on time,Parents are arriving one after another。The first time I looked up and walked into my son’s classroom,Because I was invited this time,So don’t worry about your son’s strange eyes and blame。The sons saw so many parents coming,very politely went to the activity room nearby to bring stools for the parents。My son also took the opportunity to ask me,Why are you here?I said proudly,Yes,You and I are classmates today。

 Everyone calmed down soon,Let’s enter the first class in the morning: Physics。I once studied liberal arts,From the heart,Not only did all the mathematics, physics and chemistry learned in high school be given back to the teacher,Currently already in deficit。But I still held my chest up and my belly in and listened carefully to Teacher Yuan Shurong’s lecture about the principles of sensors,He was doing experiments while talking,Let students participate,Let them experience theoretical knowledge in experiments without forgetting it quickly。A class is only 40 minutes,get out of class will be over soon。Remember when I was studying,I think 45 minutes is so long,But where has the time gone now?

 There are only ten minutes between classes,It takes just a sip of water,The bell rings for the second period。Section 2: Chemistry。

         The head teacher Zhou Bin ran into the classroom,Gently touch the blackboard with your finger,Wow,Beautiful chemical molecules have escaped。He first reviewed the content of the last class with his classmates,Determining the structure of molecules using mass spectrometry,Then start explaining today’s learning content: Valence layer electron pair mutual repulsion theory。I don’t know if the expression is correct,But wherever his fingers go, they always bring different visual effects,The classroom keeps pace with the times and fully uses information technology,Let the unpredictable molecules and atoms change rapidly on the whiteboard,Let my eyes light up,Even if it’s a world I don’t understand at all,But it can attract my attention,And students will definitely be able to reach the essence of the content。

 Section 3: English。I have to insert a paragraph here,It is said that this is a unique ritual before aviation class,I remember that the monitor used to shout to stand up when I was studying in class,The teacher will say sit down。But the standing ceremony before each class in our aviation class moved us a little bit。The student on duty walks to the side of the podium,Students please stand up,March to the teacher and report that there are 32 people in the aviation class,32 people actually arrived,Please give instructions。100 yuan per class,solemnly said,Preparing for class!The students sat down together。Under this rising and falling ceremony,Has an unspeakable feeling。All our parents also stood up with their sons、Sit down。At that moment,We seem to be really back dafabet best online casinoto our student days,Find the breath of youth。English,What I want。This year I started learning English on the Internet,100 yuan per class。Today I can enjoy the pure English of the super good-looking teacher Luo Xiaobin for free,Really made a lot of money。So listen to the class very seriously,I don’t want to waste a minute and a second to focus on the lecture,Where are the children,I don’t think I dare to waste it,Because you may be asked questions by the teacher if you are not careful,And I can still pretend to understand for a while。Just let me pretend for a while,Just so so,Ok。

 There is a big break between the third and fourth periods,The students walked towards the playground,Leaving a row of mothers listening to the class in the back row of the classroom to reminisce。My son just looked at me from a distance,I went to do some activities with my classmates。Mom representatives in the WeChat group,Transmitting photos and joy of being in class with their sons to other parents who cannot come。Some parents joked,Can you understand what the teacher said?Yes,Can we understand?But watching the children enjoy every minute and every second of class,Watching every lesson carefully prepared by the teachers,Watching each class end in a harmonious and happy atmosphere,We really understand,Maybe this is what we need to understand。

 The fourth quarter is mathematics,The fifth section is biology。Mathematics teacher Xu Lilin is both lively and serious,He creates a relaxed learning atmosphere so that every student can enter his magnetic field,Teach students how to behave and do things during the exercises,Train them to think rigorously。The content of biology class is about genes,It turns out that genes are DNA fragments with genetic effects,Teacher Wei Wei with a gentle temperament tells everyone。Biology is really interesting,Understanding the performance of living organisms,As ​​if you can understand the world,Many phenomena collapse in the face of knowledge。Because genes are specific,So it can be used in many fields,Such as criminal investigation field, etc.。End of morning class,I just want to say,I am very attentive,If you have ever studied with this kind of mood,I wonder if I would be a student with better grades?But there is no if,Only now。Looking at the back of my son in class,I said to myself with great affection,Cherish now,I am grateful that I can be classmates with you at this moment。

 The afternoon course was even more exciting,First is the art class,In today’s education model that only focuses on scores,The No.1 High School Affiliated to China Normal University adheres to its own teaching philosophy,Truely allow children to enjoy education in physical and mental health,Comprehensive cultivation of children’s comprehensive qualities from the essential character and key abilities。When parents capture those vivid moments of students in art class and share them in the WeChat group,Those parents who couldn’t reach were sighing,What happy children!Enjoy learningEnjoy artEnjoy life,Students from China Normal University No.1,Do you feel your happiness?Of course,They must have felt it,They have always been proud of being students of China Normal University No.1,Those students who have walked out from here have brought supreme glory to their alma mater,They have deeply remembered it,Today,They also calmly wrote the hope of East China Normal University。

 Second afternoon class,It’s a Chinese lesson that I have to say,This is also the course I understand best。Some knowledge may be forgotten after learning,And some spirits are the undefeated flowers that always bloom in the heart。The article that Chinese teacher Zhang Li brought us today is "Goat Zlat",She arranged for three groups of students to play the dialogue between the master Alon and the goat Zlat,Three versions provide in-depth analysis of the dialogue between humans and animals,Let all the college students and young students present get involved in the plot of the article,final,Teacher Zhang quoted the famous Czech novelist Milan.What Kundera said“The only connection between humans and heaven is animals”。Let students talk about their understanding of this sentence based on this article,The students’ opinions and the teacher’s analysis push the meaning of this article to a climax。Sincere feelings,Good articles need good guidance and sharing,Teacher Zhang’s class brought me a different kind of touching and thinking。

       ListengetReally don’t want to leave the classroom,But I have to say goodbye,Because we only have one day's agreement。

Full of memories,Son,I may cherish this day for the rest of my life,Because you and I are classmates on this day,Because of this day,We have enjoyed the feedback from China Normal University to the society。Principal Zhou Pengcheng of China Normal University said: Run a great education with great love,And this day,It is this great love that we enjoy。

When leaving,Rain is still washing the campus,Wintersweet flowers are in bud on campus。Spring planting,Xia Chang,Autumn Harvest,Winter hiding,We have walked all the way,And you are the wintersweet waiting to bloom,About to pursue the blue sky,Ready to sail。And when we look back on the past,We had something in common with China Normal University No.1,As Aaron sometimes asked the goat: “Zlat,Do you still remember the three days and three nights we spent together?”And I will ask you: son,Do you still dafabet best online casinoremember that day in China Normal University,Am I your classmate?



                                                                             Teaching Open Day Essay

                                                                                  Yu Jiahao’s mother


2016Year12month20I was lucky enough to attend the first session of the No. 1 High School Affiliated to China Normal UniversityTeaching Open DayActivity,Really felt the education and teaching situation of the school and the children's learning at school,This is exactly what I have been waiting for,Since my son entered school, he has always wanted to know and see with his own eyes how the children, especially his own children, are doing in all aspects of school,So I decided to sign up even though I was still illTeaching Open DayActivity。Although it was raining moderately in the afternoon,But it will not stop my determination to attend the class。Today’s lecture not only fulfilled my long-cherished wish,Still feeling a lot,Benefited a lot。 
        Chinese teacher Zhang’s class made me feel a lively and lively class、Active and personalized learning process。Teacher Zhang attaches great importance to cultivating children’s thinking ability、Observation and expression skills,Let the children observe carefully,Freely use your imagination around the theme,Each express their own ideas,Let the kids passRole playingway,Created harmony,Pleasant classroom atmosphere,Let Chinese language learning no longer be dull and boring,Let children experience the fun of Chinese learning。 
        Teacher in the chemistry class last week focused on combining the teaching of knowledge with the cultivation of abilities。Teacher Zhou asked the children to go to the podium to explain the analysis process one by one。My son is lucky to be on stage,Son with rigorous thinking、Clear thinking、Concise conversation,Analysis and explanation,Not only makes it easier for students to understand,It also made me admire my son with admiration。The whole chemistry class is vivid、Interesting,The children were in high spirits from beginning to end,Learned the good habit of summarizing while learning easily, happily and firmly。 
         The two lectures ended unknowingly,It’s still unsatisfactory,What I feel most deeply about is the school’s advanced multimedia teaching equipment and the interesting teaching of the teachers,It is the icing on the cake for classroom teaching。 
        Teaching Open Day is a good communication platform,Not only can you feel the teacher’s personality charm up close,You can also understand your child’s classroom learning status。For parents,A child is always a bright pearl,Parents can give them a lot in life,But for education,We really have to enter the classroom,Understand how children are doing in class,Feel the efforts of teachers to educate children for all-round development,Efforts for healthy growth,Thank you very much。Such an activity organized by the school,Improved mutual understanding,May our school,Our teachers lead our children forward with passion,Continuous improvement!Looking forward to listening to more teachers next time。



                                                                          A letter to my son

                                                                              Zhang Ruiqi’s mother

        My most beloved baby,See words as faces。I haven’t seen you for a few days!     

       You have been living in your dream school, China Normal University, for nearly a year and a half 。Mom found out now, The school’s various public activities about you,It’s all the loving connection between mother and you!See you with my own eyes ,See your familiar lively look,Mom’s heart suddenly became happy、Satisfied 。I don’t know after class that day,You suddenly find your mother sitting at the back of the classroom,What does it feel like? Mom is here,Are you happy??
        A rainy winter morning,Wet and cold,Dense smog,But it doesn’t matter, Mom is still in a very anxious mood,Excited。Long time,The classroom of China Normal University No.1 that you mentioned makes my mother very curious,Longing。This time,I finally sit in the same classroom with you,Listening to the lectures of the teachers you admire so much!

        If you don’t see it with your own eyes,Mom doesn’t know your teaching facilities are so advanced。The blackboard can be raised and lowered,The courseware played on the whiteboard can be written directly by hand,Conversion is so convenient。The eye protection lamp exudes softness、Warm light。Sitting in a classroom like this to study,Mom feels so happy! If we want to compare mother and son,You will definitely say: “I can also say this to my son in the future。”Same meaning,Why don’t you express it in another way?Mom has a little expectation!

        News media enter the classroom to take photos、Camera,Your seats have been newly assigned,There is a row of mothers sitting behind the classroom,There are also interns,What do you think of these new phenomena?Mom wants to chat with you so much now!Mom thinks you have always had good language skills。For example, if you listen to music,You will especially enjoy it,I can’t help but tell my mother,What did you hear?What kind of artistic conception does this piece of pure music express?。The theme songs of those blockbusters you have watched,Or even an interlude,How do you like it。There are some soundtracks that you don’t think are very good,Which one do you like more。 You watch a lot of blockbusters。Speaking of these films,You are even more talkative。The time we spent watching movies together,Mom feels really happy!Do you also like to watch foreign food programs while eating,I say these films are more pure than those made dafabet sports betting websitein China ,Really enjoying the food。Comment while watching。When you are fascinated, you especially dislike your mother interrupting。You have to immerse yourself in it。 There are many times like this!Mom couldn’t finish talking at the moment。Look,You not only love to talk,And very opinionated,I often shock my mother。

         Now mommy closes her eyes,These lessons are like a painting。Each teacher’s lesson ,They are all so vivid、Specific。 Mom finally saw how you usually look in class。

         The courseware used by the Chemistry Week teacher is so fresh。You have learned more knowledge than I did、Much more profound!

        Turn Back Time,There is such a coincidence between mother and son!Mom tells you,My high school teacher is also a chemistry teacher!Even the teacher looks similar,They are all exquisite and agile。Teacher Zhou is more peaceful,Kind。Chemistry gold medal coach meets you, a group of handsome and talented people on the airline flight, It’s not easy to know the right amount。Speak clearly,But I don’t see how to ask,Even invite handsome guys to perform,See it all at a glance。Don’t you have any opinions??The head teacher’s classes are all well behaved。We didn’t care what questions the teacher asked back then,Everyone rushes to answer。No matter how difficult the question is, someone will answer it correctly。High school boys in the eyes of their mothers, Using your brain is quite positive!The teacher is very engaged in class,A full room of people。Sometimes even order a row,Don’t stop until you get it right。No one is afraid of making mistakes,The important thing is to listen attentively,Timely feedback。When you make a mistake, you must make it with confidence! The class is fast paced,Also interesting。As long as you listen carefully in chemistry class,Most of the content is memorable。So far high school classmates,They are all recalling the wonderful feeling brought by the active chemistry class。Chemistry requires a lot of memorizing content, Miscellaneous and detailed,But there are systematic rules。 It often doesn’t look difficult,But it’s easy to make mistakes,Getting high scores is not easy。get out of class is over,What question did you ask Teacher Zhou? If you have any questions, you know to ask the teacher in time,Seeking help from the teacher,This is a very good habit !Such a good teacher is just for asking for advice,Teacher Zhou must be very welcome Answer your questions.

        Mom found you in Teacher Luo’s English class,The most positive response。Just ask,You have all the answers。Teacher Luo specially ordered you。 Math teacher Xu talks about passed papers,The students are who they are,Exceptionally frank,Cute。Mr. Xu’s problem of summing geometric series,When asking what else can be done,Mom is thinking,Why didn’t you say anything?I don’t know?Still don’t want to say,Not in status?Still afraid of saying the wrong thing?I didn’t react much when I saw you in math class。

        Reactions to class speeches and attitudes toward listening,Are you thinking actively?。Timely feedback on the results of thinking,Let teachers be targeted,Students also inspire each other,Thought collision,Classroom efficiency has improved!Preparation before class,The digestion and accumulation of knowledge is the basis for active speech。I hope you can reflect,Why do teachers ask less questions?Can you give the teacher some advice?Why different classes,You react differently? This way you can understand yourself more clearly!

        See you next time,Mom wants to hear you say。This time,Lectures we attended together, It can become a common topic for our mother and son to chat。Mom really wants to keep us together,Your happy feeling that you can talk about everything!

                                                                                                                                           Love you forever, mom




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