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School Youth League Committee


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The league branch of each grade one class:

According to the reform deployment of the Communist Youth League,In order to implement the spirit of the Central Party Committee’s Mass Work Conference,Promote the construction of the Communist Youth League itself,Implement the requirements for strict management of the regiment,The Youth League Central Committee launched the nationwide ";Smart Team Building”System construction。In accordance with the "Regulations of the General Office of the Communist Youth League Central Committee on Doing a Good Job";Smart Team Building”Notice on the Establishment Stage of System Organization Tree" (China Youth Affairs Bureau [2017] No. 17) Requirements,Now promote the use of&ldquo in the dafabet best online betting websitesenior high school section of the First Affiliated Middle School of Central China Normal University;Smart Team Building”Notification of relevant system arrangements is as follows。

1. Overall arrangement
 “Smart Team Building”The system focuses on basic group affairs management in terms of functional positioning,Focus on administrators of league organizations at all levels in terms of user positioning,Aims to build league organizations at all levels to strengthen their understanding of basic information、Basic group affairs、Online platform for organizational life management。The system promotion and use is carried out in two stages:

First stage,Organization tree creation。Before September 23, 2018,The youth league organizations at all levels in the school have established a complete organizational tree from the school youth league committee to all youth league branches from top to bottom。Each league organization must enter the basic information of the secretary of the organization,Determine and enter at least one administrator (the administrator can be arranged to be the branch secretary or organizational committee member of the class)。

Second stage,Collection and entry of member information。(Complete before October 20, 2018)

2. Specific steps and requirements

(1) Usage environment requirements
1. “Smart Team Building”System URL:
2. Computer operating system requirements: Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 10 or MacOS。
You may not be able to log in when using Windows XP system。
3. Computer browser requirements: IE10 and above version of IE browser or Edge、Chrome、Firefox、Safari and other browsers,If using 360、QQ browser must select extreme speed mode。
4. Currently“Smart Team Building”The system does not support mobile phones yet。

Phase 1:

dafabet sports betting websiteCompletely fill in the organizational information of this organization.

(2) Administrator registration
1. Operation steps
(1) Open the system URL
(2) Click“Register”Button,Enter registration page,Select“Administrator registration”。
(3) After entering the page,Accurately select the group organization and position within the group to be registered。When selecting an organization, select: Youth League Hubei Provincial Committee、Central China Normal University Youth League Committee、Youth League Committee of the Senior High School Department of the First Affiliated Middle School,Enter the year of admission and class in the search dafabet online casino gamesto search for the Youth League branch of this class,Example: Class 1, Grade 1,Search 2018 Class 1 League Branch。
(4) Fill in the administrator registration code (please download the registration code of each class and league branch in the class teacher work group)。
(5) Fill in personal information.
(6) Complete registration.

(3) Entering organizational information


(1) Enter the organization information of the organization according to the system prompts,The information items marked in red are required information。
(2) Organization abbreviation、Full name of organization、Organization Category、The industry category cannot be modified after filling it in,Please check carefully。
(3) Administrative establishment number of the league organization at the same level、Actual number of administrative establishments、The establishment number of the league organization at this level、Actual number of business establishments,required“0”。

Second stage:

(4) Collection and entry of information about league members and cadres

1. Enter the smart team building system (website, each member shall register.

Note: Our school’s Youth League organization must be the Youth League Hubei Provincial Committee—Youth Committee of Central China Normal University—Youth League Committee of the Senior High School Department of the First Affiliated Middle School—2018 Class 1 Youth League branch (taking Class 1, Grade 1 as an example)

Fill in the registration information as required,Password setting requirements: length8-32characters, no spaces, Chinese, at least numbers/letter/Two combinations of symbols,At least three different characters,The length of consecutive characters cannot exceed half the password length。

2. Administrator verification passed.

3. The organizational life of the Youth League branch in the later period、Group Day Activities、The transfer of group organization relationships and other work must be completed in the smart team building system。

4. How to import league members and cadres in batches?

The Youth League branch administrator clicks“Member Management”--“Add members”Menu (Youth Committee、Youth League Working Committee、Click on the administrator homepage of the Youth League branch“Add league members and cadres”),Enter“Add members”Page,Introduce league members and cadres in batches;

Step 1: Click“Import template download”Download“Smart team building imports team members and cadres data template.xls”;

Step 2: The administrator dafabet best online betting websitefills in the form according to the format requirements of the imported template;

Step 3: Administrator clicks“Select file”Button,Pop up system file selection box,Select the file to be uploaded,Click“Open”Button;

Step 4: Administrator clicks“Upload”Button to upload Excel table to the system;

Step 5: After the upload is completed, the system will give a prompt of the upload result:“Successfully imported xx members,xx members failed to import”,And the reason for failure;

Step 6: Download the Excel table with the failure reasons reported by the system,The administrator can make modifications according to the prompts in the failure form and re-upload。

Note: League members and cadres imported into the system no longer need to be registered,You can log in with your ID card + initial password (the last eight digits of your ID card)。League members and cadres who joined the league before 2016 are imported into the system,No need to fill in the development team member number;League members and cadres who joined the league in 2016 and later are imported into the system,Need to fill in the development team member number。

3. Work requirements
1.The information collection work of the Youth League organization is an important basic work,Each Youth League branch should attach great importance to it,Strengthen leadership,Strictly follow work specifications and requirements,Ensure that there are no omissions in the group organization at this level、Missing data and missed deadlines。
2.Please strictly follow“Smart Team Building”Schedule,Complete the organizational construction of all Youth League branches before October 20, 2018。

Committee of the Communist Youth League of the First High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University
September 2018

2018 /


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