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93rd Alumni Association





November 4, 2023,Autumn rain continues,More than a hundred teachers and alumni from the 1993 class of the First High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University from all over the country braved the rain to attend this gathering。Time flies thirty years,Looking back and reminiscing about classmates,Today, thirty years after graduation,Everyone gathers at the alma mater of the First High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University,The joy is beyond words,The endless love between teachers and students,Endless friendship between classmates。



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Time flies,Thirty years with the snap of a finger,The boys and girls in their prime of life,Now he is a father,Being a mother,Time makes students more mature;Thirty years have passed,The students have all experienced the hard work of their careers and the ups and downs of life,Wash away youth and innocence and romance,But the deep feelings of alma mater and classmate friendship cannot be washed away。




Sign in site


8am,Alumni gathered at the hotel to sign in,Take the bus to school。Laughter along the way,The half-hour drive flies by,After everyone arrives at school,School Office Director Zhou Yong、Teacher Chen Yating accompanied everyone to visit the campus,And introduced in detail the development process of the school in the past thirty years。


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Visit campus


After visiting the campus,The sky has begun to drizzle,84-year-old Principal Li Shuisheng also took a group photo with everyone in the rain。



1993 class group photo



November 4, 10:00 am,The 30th anniversary celebration of the 1993 alumni started on time in the lecture hall No. 1 of the school art center。Alumnus Ma Weirong is the host of this event,And gave an opening speech。



Host Ma Weirong announces the start of the event


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Celebration scene


Du Jia, head of the Preparatory Committee, spoke on behalf of the Preparatory Committee,Reported to teachers and alumni on the preparations for this celebration,He said,This is my alma mater after the epidemic,The first alumni association event,After three years of epidemic,Everyone’s friendship as classmates becomes more sincere和valuableThanks to the school and teachers for their training,Wish all the teachers good health,The school is getting better and better。



Du Jia, representative of the Preparatory Committee, speaks


Vice President Jiang Xinglong of the First Affiliated High School of Central China Normal University delivered a speech on behalf of the school,Welcome home the alumni of the class of 1993,Also introduced the current situation of the school,Such as Mathematical Olympiad gold medal、Ranking of admission rate、Provincial liberal arts champion, etc.,Ranked among the best in the national high school comprehensive rankings for many consecutive years,The school is proud of the achievements of its alumni,And wish everyone good luck in their work,Good health。



Vice Principal Jiang Xinglong delivered a speech on behalf of the school


We are honored to invite old principal Li Shuisheng dafabet online casino gamesto this celebration,In the eyes of Principal Li,My classmates are still the same teenagers as before,Thirty years have passed,The old principal still remembers the little students when they first entered high school,The scene of practicing 50 miles from Qianjia Street to Paper Mill is vivid in my mind。Thirty years later,Students traveled thousands of miles to return to their alma mater to attend the alumni reunion,This spirit deeply moved the old principal。final,Principal Li wishes everyone and their family safety and happiness,Successful career。



Speech by Mr. Li Shuisheng, the principal of the First High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University


Teacher Zou Guiqin、Teacher Yan Zhengfu,These two teachers spoke on behalf of each other,Teacher Zou can’t forget various scenes from thirty years ago,Not only the first prize of Chucai Cup will be unforgettable、The honor of being the top scholar in science in the province,There is also the smell of messy boys’ dormitory and smelly socks。Teacher Zou borrowed the poems of the poet Li Bai to express his current excitement,“Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep,Not as good as your teacher-student relationship”,I hope that students“Houde Boya,Study diligently and act quickly”,Continue to care about the development of my alma mater,Go home often。



Teacher Zou Guiqin speaks


Teacher Yan Zhengfu expressed what he was thinking in three sentences: the first sentence,Thirty Years of Hedong,Forty Years of Hexi,Feng Shui turns around,This sentence no longer works in the First High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University,Thirty years ago, the First High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University was the same as the top high school in the country;Second sentence,Welcome alumni of the Class of 1993 to return home;The third sentence,Carry forward and pass on the excellence of the 1993 alumni。



Teacher Yan Zhengfu speaks


After the teacher representative spoke,Representatives from each class also spoke one after another,Zhou Qiwu、Zhong Yuan、Yu Jun、Liu Haoyang、Wu Yizhu、He Min、Peng Liang, on behalf of each class, reported on the development of alumni in all aspects over the past thirty years,Expressed his longing for the school,Thanks to the school teachers for their earnest teaching。



Representatives of each class spoke


There are many outstanding alumni abroad,Unable to attend this party on site due to various reasons,But they have set up branches overseas,More than 30 dafabet online casino gamesalumni also attended this gathering at overseas branch venues。



Overseas alumni video connection


Drink water and remember its source,To be grateful to my alma mater for nurturing me,In order to better inherit the excellent tradition of China Normal University,All the alumni of the class of 1993 donated cash to their alma materMore than 200,000Education Fund,Used to establish the 1993 alumni scholarship or teaching scholarship。



Donation Ceremony


The last part of the report meeting is to thank the teacher,I still remember clearly the care and concern shown by the school teachers to the students thirty years ago、Just like yesterday,Alumni of the class of 1993 presented gifts,Expressing gratitude to the teacher。



Gift to the teacher, forever inscribed with his kindness


After the report meeting is over,Alumni queue up for lunch with students in the school cafeteria,Reminiscing about the old school cafeteria。After lunch,Alumni experience past classrooms in the classroom,Dear class teacher Zou Guiqin made an impromptu "";The dispute between coastal defense and fortress defense in the Qing Dynasty”,Take students through time and space,Back to class,Experienced the study life in student days more deeply。



Eating in the canteen  Classroom class


Afternoon,Alumni also organized a variety of sports activities,There is badminton、Football、Fun sports games, etc.,Transformed the classmates back into running boys,The stadium is filled with laughter。After sports activities,Everyone returns to the hotel for the dinner。



Badminton match



Football match



Fun games——Crossing the river by feeling the stones



Fun games——Rapid Three Pieces



Fun games——Two people and three legs



Dinner check-in





Getting together is always short,Although the 30th anniversary celebration of the 1993 alumni of the First High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University is over,But the alumni’s friendship for more than thirty years as classmates still continues,Thanks to every teacher,Every alumni,I wish you all success in your future work and life,The friendship between alumni lasts forever!


2023 /



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